Monday, 18 April 2011

Road? What Road?

Currently, my job takes me to Klebang, which is on the way to Chemor from Tasek in case you don't know. As I said in previous post, the maps included in my assignment file is very, very, very old and outdated. For my current assignment, the map was last updated in 1998. If its the town centre then its alright. The roads in the town don't change much overtime anyways. Places like Chemor is a completely different story though. These places tend to grow very rapidly and whole forest can change into residential areas within a year or so. The company I work for appears to think that updating maps yearly is not important AT ALL and even think its a waste of resource. Therefore, they simply booted the cartographer out to cut cost. Poor dude.

How the heck is this person supposed to drive at night? The road I saw this car on has no street lamps at all.

The lack of update over the years have made my job incredibly frustrating if not impossible. I have no idea who the heck was the lister last year but damn was he/she lazy. Loads of shops just simply vanished. Anyway, I tried to go from on map to another through a newly built housing area and I experienced a very amazing journey. I drove out of bounds and aimlessly wondered back into another map which is a kampung. Seeing that there was only a few shops in the area, me and my colleague decided to finish it before going back. The people there were very friendly and we had no trouble finishing it. However, when we did finish, we got lost on our way back. The kampung roads are as random as ever. When I felt that I should stop and ask for direction, we were already in the middle of a plantation or something. Making a u-turn was a no go as the sides of the road are all fenced up and the road is very narrow. Then, I decided to push on as there was quite a lot of car coming from the front. After driving aimlessly for about 5minutes, I saw rows of new houses and I was freaking happy.

When I drove clear of the plantation, I saw a building which resembled the one near Meru and I though to myself : "they look so similar, but it can't possibly be the same one, right?" I was wrong, very wrong. When I looked at the road sign, I realised that I was indeed in Meru. Even then, I still had no idea on how to head home. Luckily, I saw road signs saying that the North-South Highway was near and I remembered that I went on this road once (my brother was driving home after he had his fun at the driving range in Meru Golf Resort).
With that, I was able to head back to Ipoh Garden and I almost took the wrong exit on the highway.

Look at the door closely. The things you can do when you don't clean your car is amazing

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